Resurrection Reflection

Close your eyes for a moment~

Breathe in, and breathe out.
Think of everything wrong you have ever done. 
If you're like me, you do this often. 
Too often. 
Think of it all, starting when you were young. Every white lie. Every swear. Every angry outburst and bitter inward comment. Every lustful thought, word, or action. Every selfish deed and prideful belief. All of it. 
Every. Last. Sin.
Think of everything you probably will do. Hard to fathom, isn't it? The amount of wrong we are capable of doing?  

Breathe in again, and out.
Think of Jesus on the cross, the nail in his feet pulling as he breaths in and the nails in his hands ripping as he breathes out. 
Think of all of that wrong you've done, all of that wrong you are capable of, on his shoulders and digging into his brow like the thorns that your sins are.
For you
It's all for you. 
Watch as he breathes his last, crying "It is Finished." Watch as a spear pierces his side, as Mary weeps at his feet, as he is taken and wrapped and rolled away in that tomb. 

Breathe in, and breathe out. 
Behold, the son of God and man who took every single sin of yours into that tomb with him, is gone. HE. HAS. RISEN. 
He is alive.
And your sin isn't.
Friend, brother or sister, your sin and Jesus were both crucified and buried in that tomb, and only one of them rose.
Only one of them has power.
Only one of them lives.

Breathe in, and breathe out. 
It is finished. 
Your sin is gone
You don't need to hold onto the wrongs of your past or the inevitable wrongs in your future. 
You don't need to feel weighed down in guilt or shame.
They are long dead and gone.
For God because of his love and his Son has not only forgotten them, but forgiven them. 
You are new.
You are free.
Your sin, guilt, and shame, are still dead in that tomb. 
And always will be.

He is ALIVE.
And now, you can live.


||There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.||
Romans 8:1-2 ESV


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