Devil's Favorite Tool

I've come to a conclusion as of late:

Insecurity is the devil's favorite tool. He uses it as a wedge--to break into your soul. If he can make you doubt who you are, question what you know, and forget your worth, he's gaining serious ground in your mind, heart, and life.
Insecurity is a drug that you don't know you're becoming addicted to. It creeps in and seeps into how you see everything around you, especially yourself. It opens you up to fear that you cannot ever shake. 
Insecurity is a disease that runs rampant not only in my generation, but seemingly the whole globalized, media-driven world in which we live. 
Insecurity worships an idol, a god we all have wrongly come to fear, called "public opinion."
Insecurity lies to you, telling you that you need validation through just one more like on social media, or just one more compliment to make it through the day.
It makes you feel hopeless, as you begin to hate things about yourself that you never even noticed before but have no power over to change. 
Insecurity, in my opinion, is one of the deepest and darkest evils that plague our world.

What then are we to do with this power that seems to so easily consume us?

Crush insecurity just like Jesus crushed the serpent under his heel. 
The same power, the almighty power, that lives in Him lives also in you.
Know your worth. Fight for your worth. 
Be secure. 
Be free. Because of Who set you free. 



  1. Betsy this is exactly what I needed to hear. God is always working in you

    1. Love you Hannah! Thanks for letting me know


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