Overwhelmed & Underqualified || one year healed and healing
One year of Divine Healing, inside and out.
One year of low to no pain.
One year of low to no depression.
One year of seeing the brokenness in myself reflect the brokenness of this nation, this world.
One year of living in the reality of God's binding love.
One year of being overwhelmed and under-qualified.
One year of feeling unworthy, undeserving, and guilty for the gift I've been given.
One year of attempting to process the un-understandable.
One year of failing to live in light of His Love.
One year of learning the power of the Spirit.
One year of seeing faith, others' more than my own often, move the physical and emotional mountains of my life.
One year of Healed.
But I'm learning there is still so much in me to heal.
Healing is a process, just like sanctification. Living the Christian life is learning to allow God into all of the broken, hidden places.
He will restore.
Piece by piece.
He is still here, living and active, in this world.
He moves and cares and hears and weeps and holds the brokenness and broken ones.
Starting with the souls of his Loved Ones now in the mortal realm, and finishing it when He comes again, calling us all to our new home,
Oh Creator, never stop re-creating me.
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