Christmas Pep-Talk

Tomorrow is December 1 and I realize I have come to a place in life where I know I have a relationship with God, but seem to have forgotten how I have that relationship to begin with. I, in my history brain, have subconsciously locked the person of Jesus to the past. Sure, he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, but silly Betsy, he is still alive! Who is he, really, not just who was he? If he is the only way to the Father, he is worth knowing deeply as an individual member of the trinity. The father I know. The spirit calls to me in nature and worship and ties me through prayer to the father. But what about Jesus? Anyways, this may seem like a "duh" situation, but for me it is hitting hard, especially at the beginning of the advent season.

My point is, this season, I want to fall deeply in love with Jesus for all he was, is, and will be forever. He is more than a bridge to the father, and more than a role model. He is my savior, my brother, and my dear friend.

This Christmas season, I invite you to pursue awe. May we all be awestruck at the miraculous solution to our deep need. May we all see with fresh eyes the greatest story of all time and the grand and humble entrance of the Character who would change the course of events for all time at exactly the right moment, in exactly the right way, according to the perfect plan of a father in pursuit of his children. May we see growth in our faith. May we cry out in both belief and unbelief. May we sing, "Glory to God in the Highest!" with the heavenly host over flocks and fields. May we enter in, because Jesus made a way. Merry Christmas, and I pray each day of this season leaves you breathless in the beauty of your place in history and your role through Christ in the story of all eternity.


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