
I've been thinking about "church" a lot lately,
how the very place designed to bring people to God has hurt some people so badly that they all together run from religion,
how friends and I can grow up in the same faith and even the same building and have completely different experiences,
how what some people see as a cult others see as devotion,
how different families of my home church had vastly different Christian cultures than my family or school did,
how some people respond well to structural faith and others need more freedom in relationship,
how I need a balance of both,
how we ornatly decorate sanctuaries yet fill those sanctuaries with broken people and then expect people to feel comfortable coming on Sundays in their brokenness and not feel pressured to look more put together,
how my friends have fallen through the cracks,
how I have fallen through the cracks in a lot of ways too yet eneded up just fine and stronger even in my walk of faith,
how silly some denominational differences are to me,
how problematic different elements of different churches I've attended are,
how loudly the church at large stands for some causes yet silently hides from others,
how churches still bring me peace, how churches still care and give and go,
how old hymns ringing in rafters tie me with saints of the past,
how new songs bring biblical and practical blessing to my soul,
how strong and sound preaching has the ability to both comfort and convict me,
how ornate churches reflect the importance and beauty of space for corporately and individually meeting with God,
how church communities are chosen, found, and built,
how the church is a broken human institution and often a poor reflection of an unbroken and healing God,
how beautiful it is when churches recognize their flaws and seek reconciliation,
how the support of the church can be seen through the love of one member to another as well as the whole body to the community around it,
and how church should be a warm and welcome place of growth and truth and peace and love and struggle and pain and song and scripture and family and hope.


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