The Power of Womanhood

Mini-rant from a young adult Christian female feminist and future teacher --

I wish we lived in a culture that wasn't dominated by male-driven female sexual exploitation and objectification.
Imagine a world where women could gain societal respect and socioeconomic mobility without needing to use their bodies or sexuality...
Too often female empowerment equates to women sexualizing themselves to gain power in the sex based cultural system we have now. I want to see women who are confident in their physicality, yes, but women who are so much more. By reducing yourself to simply your sexuality, you empower the system of male-dominated female objectification, feeding off of an evil you are only helping to grow. You want to talk about taking back female power from a male driven society? Start by refusing to play the game. True power is changing the game.
Your worth comes from God above, and is in the whole of who you are-- not how many people you turn on in order to be seen or heard.
May we create and see a world where women are valued and empowered as people, not simply sexy things easy on the eyes.
The crux of the issue, however, is that too often it seems that we women have no choice but to specialize ourselves to function in this world. Therefore, we must be a part of a bigger societal change to offer freedom from this cycle.
May women be useful to society for far more than simply their bodies, something men and women need to both actively change.
And may I be a part of empowering the next generation of womaen to gain power in owning their *whole* being -body,mind,heart,and soul- for God, for themselves, and for those who earn the right to be shared with, not simply for the enjoyment or use of others.

This is the world we want to raise daughters in- one of divine confidence in who they are, one of self-empowering self-respect, one where our sons are raised know their own worth and power, and to find humble, freeing strength in seeing women as equals and as a uniquely powerful, needed, and complimentary minds, not just bodies.


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