Light // reflection

"God is light."
Have you ever thought about how radical that is?
 We were in darkness. Pitch black. 
The very absence of light and fullness of shadow.  
But as soon as the door cracks, as soon as one little beam pierces the deep veil, 
darkness is broken. 
That beam doesn't only illuminate one spot on the floor. 
Light spreads, fills the space, refracts, and slowly yet surely helps you see anything and everything where you are. 
The more the door opens, the more the light gets through, the clearer and more colorful life becomes. 
And that one day, when the door is fully opened, and we are one with our true Light, everything about this life will be made crystal clear and we will see and behold things no one can comprehend.

It all starts with someone being bold and willing to crack the door to a friend's life. Speak truth in love.

God is Light, and darkness SHALL NOT overcome Him.


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