Whole before Full// the Christian prayer
Recently, I read an article on Facebook that was an open letter of sorts from "Mr. Right" for Christian women. In this article, the author writes for the reader to let God make her something whole and complete, as well as her Mr. Right, before entering into a relationship or seeking after one. This sparked a line of thought for me that doesn't necessarily have to do with relationships on earth, but our relationship with God.
For a while, my prayer has been that God would fill me up with more of him, that I would be overflowing with his peace and his love for this world. But I noticed something. I would have periods of my life where I would feel so full of love, and soon find myself empty and broken, wanting more and more from God and wondering why I couldn't hold onto joy through life.
Here is what I realized recently, after a summer of whole and pure love from God.
Broken vessels don't hold water.
Likewise, broken souls won't hold the Living Water.
Before praying to be filled, pray to be made whole.
People won't make you whole. Drugs won't make you whole. Drunkenness won't make you whole. Sex won't make you whole. Porn won't make you whole. Popularity won't make you whole. Health won't make you whole. Beauty won't make you whole.
GOD will make you whole.
Pray that the one who made you fearfully and wonderfully would continue to make you and mold you into exactly what you need to be.
Pray that he would plug the holes in your heart-- the fear, the bitterness, the insecurity, the pride, the lust, the shame, the selfishness.
Pray that he would glue the cracks from every time you felt betrayed, heart-broken, beaten down, depressed, unloved, worthless.
Spend time alone with God. Know him. Know his love for you. Fight to be faithful in little and watch as he blesses you with so much more than you could ever deserve or imagine. You cannot change yourself. But we have the Great Helper on our side. With the Holy Spirit inside of your soul, fight for steadfastness.
For we read in James 1:4 to "let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." Also, in 2 Timothy 2:21 we read this encouraging truth- "Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."
Let God fix you.
Let God make you perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
Let God equip you for every good work.
Let God make you whole.
And watch in loving awe as he then fills you to the brim with love, joy, and peace that you can in turn pour into others.
Go to God
To be made WHOLE,
to hold the Living Water,
And to pour out that water from the fountain that never runs dry on the dry and thirsty souls everywhere you go.
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